Monday, August 17, 2009

Still here/still knittin'

No pics as my camera is not with me....I just ordered some stuff from Knit Picks... the Carmen Banana money kit and the Tidings of Joy ornement kit. Why? Who knows... I need that stuff like I need a hole in my head. Still working on dress for The Girl Child, still working on the Tree of Life blanket (curses - it's a Knit PIcks pattern and with the errors in it, I swore I'd nver buy another pattern from them again. but i just did, so kids: never say "never."

While in Vegas a month back or so, my dear SIL told me, after I used the term "smoots" that I could not say it, as I was not a member of "the Tribe." - well - hells bells. I got a book last week called "If You Can't Say Anything NIce, Say it In Yiddish" - we'll just have to see whose the boss after I learn some crafty little things to say to that little whipper snapper!! Love him to death, but don't tell me I can't say smoots!! See if he ever gets hand knitted socks from ME!!

i am knitting on a helmet liner for Socks for Soldiers; knitting on a sock for me (finished one, now doing the mate); still got the dress and the blanket, what else is new..

MY LOOM: I ordered a stand for my loom, it arrived and hubby said he'd pick it up while I was outof town - he forgot and now I have to get it tomorrow.

I am making a rug for our new bathroom... setting tile this week. my hope is to weave rug this weekend!! Whoo Hooo.