Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lace Dress is DONE

Well, it has taken at least one year.. I found a picture taken Feb. 9, 2009 of just the skirt part being done...if nothing else, I am persistant.....I am happy with out it turned fit, thank G*d...after ripping and decreasing needle sizes.. the recipient is a widget in size, can't tell from the pictures, but (and The Girl, if she reads this, don't be mad) but seriously, there are some 7th graders bigger than this 25 year old. If I were to dunk her in water, she'd maybe be 99lbs.. so, see, its a small dress and smaller than the original patttern's smallest size.. hence a year in the making... It's done and now on to other things.. Like that horrid Tree of Life afgan from Lion Brand, who they say has no errors in the pattern, so, I guess it's just vague and ambiguous then.... rat bastards...