Wednesday, August 6, 2008

SP 12 Question of the Week

I forgot to include this in my other post.. The question is: have I ever entered anything in a county/state fair? No. and here is the real rub. I belong to our local spinning guild - we have one member who is the pro on all things "fair" related - she takes her Jacob sheep to the fair she knows the book inside and out, etc etc. etc. Even with her loving reminders, gentle prodding and sometims downright scolding - I fail to enter completed projects in the fair. Each year I say I am going to and something comes up. I am out of town the day for forms must be postmarked (i wait for the last minute to do lots of things). I forget or think my project is not good enough. But NEXT year, I'm gonna do it.


rita said...

Weeeelllll, my granddaughter wanted to enter some photos in the county fair, and I had tons, sooooo...let's just say that she got some blue ribbons and I didn't.

Pennie said...

All SP12 participants will receive FREE shipping and Handling. Visit ExtremeYarn today for beauiful handdyed yarn, lace, sock and worsted.